391: Staying Engaged When you Want to Throw in the Towel

Have your ‘say’ match your ‘do’ mom! That’s the theme of this episode as Karen answers questions from moms who are fed up, exhausted, or on the struggle bus in some form or fashion when it comes to parenting. We talk about going to the Lord in prayer first, finding your child’s “currency”, and looking for small wins during seasons you are stretched thin. No matter how old your child is, this episode is going to encourage your heart! 

Mentioned on today’s show: Watch today's episode on YouTube!

Creators and Guests

Emily Korosec
Co-host of the Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs podcast.
Karen Stubbs
Karen Stubbs
Host of Wire Talk and Founder of Birds on a Wire Moms - a ministry to encourage and equip moms.
Katie Leipprandt
Katie Leipprandt
Producer of the Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs podcast.
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391: Staying Engaged When you Want to Throw in the Towel
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