396: Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas | Pt. 3 The Lamb of God

Today we’re wrapping up our three-part series, Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas, by looking at parallels between the circumstances of Jesus’ birth and the ancient Jewish Passover tradition. Listen as Karen unpacks the significance that Jesus is the Lamb of God, and His life is the very best gift we can all receive this Christmas.

Mentioned on today’s show:
- Give to Birds on a Wire Moms to help us carry on our mission in 2024
- Scripture referenced:  Exodus 12:3-27, John the Baptist declaring, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” (John 1:29)

Creators and Guests

Emily Korosec
Co-host of the Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs podcast.
Karen Stubbs
Karen Stubbs
Host of Wire Talk and Founder of Birds on a Wire Moms - a ministry to encourage and equip moms.
Katie Leipprandt
Katie Leipprandt
Producer of the Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs podcast.
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396: Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas | Pt. 3 The Lamb of God
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