WT 228: Time Management for Mom Life

From how to sneak in time with God when your kids are home all the time to managing a move and a new baby with a spouse who has a demanding job, today’s questions are from moms struggling to manage their own needs alongside the needs of their household and their kids. Exhale deeply as you hear Karen and Sunny encourage these mamas to give themselves grace in these seasons and lower the imaginary bar you have set for yourself. Register NOW for Soar Together on October 17th!

From how to sneak in time with God when your kids are home all the time to managing a move and a new baby with a spouse who has a demanding job, today’s questions are from moms struggling to manage their own needs alongside the needs of their household and their kids. Exhale deeply as you hear Karen and Sunny encourage these mamas to give themselves grace in these seasons and lower the imaginary bar you have set for yourself.

Register NOW for Soar Together on October 17th!

Creators and Guests

Karen Stubbs
Karen Stubbs
Host of Wire Talk and Founder of Birds on a Wire Moms - a ministry to encourage and equip moms.
Katie Leipprandt
Katie Leipprandt
Producer of the Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs podcast.
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WT 228: Time Management for Mom Life
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