WT 251: Loving Your Rebellious Child Well

Let's be honest moms, all of our children can be rebellious at times. And when your child is walking through a season of rebellion, sometimes it's really hard to "feel the love." On today's episode we're answering your questions on everything from toddlers who obey daddy but not mommy to lying to teenagers having sex. Yup, today we're running the full gamut. Pop in those earbuds and join us for this conversation - we hope you'll leave encouraged knowing you're not alone, momma! 

Let's be honest moms, all of our children can be rebellious at times. And when your child is walking through a season of rebellion, sometimes it's really hard to "feel the love." On today's episode we're answering your questions on everything from toddlers who obey daddy but not mommy to lying to teenagers having sex. Yup, today we're running the full gamut. Pop in those earbuds and join us for this conversation - we hope you'll leave encouraged knowing you're not alone, momma! 

Creators and Guests

Karen Stubbs
Karen Stubbs
Host of Wire Talk and Founder of Birds on a Wire Moms - a ministry to encourage and equip moms.
Katie Leipprandt
Katie Leipprandt
Producer of the Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs podcast.
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WT 251: Loving Your Rebellious Child Well
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