All Episodes

Displaying 91 - 120 of 443 in total

347: Raising Emotionally Strong Boys with David Thomas

Today friend of BOAW and family therapist, David Thomas, joins us in the studio to talk about our boys and their emotional health. He shares practical wisdom for how p...

346: Creating the Community You Crave

Motherhood is a journey, and it’s often a lonely one. Today we’re talking about taking one step to create the community that you are craving - starting a moms group. W...

345: Walking Through the Christmas Story: Luke 2:1-21

We are wrapping up our reading of the Christmas Story today in chapter 2 of Luke. I think you’ll enjoy re-visiting this famous birth story through fresh eyes as we unp...

344: Walking Through the Christmas Story: Luke 1:39-56

Today in Luke, we read about Mary sharing her good news with her cousin, Elizabeth. I love that Luke recorded this intimate look at two women’s friendship and the way ...

343: Walking Through the Christmas Story: Luke 1:26-38

We’re continuing to unpack Luke’s account of the Christmas story today in chapter 1 of Luke. As Karen breaks down the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary and her response to...

342: Walking Through the Christmas Story: Luke 1:1-25

It’s easy as a mom to spend all of your time leading up to Christmas morning checking off a giant to-do list and completely neglect to set aside any time to focus your...

341: Handling Extended Family (Especially Around the Holidays!)

The holidays are a special time of year but they can be extremely tricky for families. Whether you're traveling or staying home, struggling with your mother-in-law or ...

340: Tackling Sensitive Topics with Your Teenager

What topics aren’t sensitive when you’re talking to a teenager! Today Karen is tackling tricky questions, from how to talk about health issues and personality differen...

339: Technology and Your Kids

Technology is increasingly a part of every aspect of today's world and there is so much to navigate! From gaming to social media to smartphones and everything in betwe...

338: Brave Enough to Be Broken with Toni Collier

Toni Collier, founder of the women’s ministry, Broken Crayons Still Color, joins Karen today to talk about the message of her brand new book - Brave Enough to be Broke...

337: The Nap Time Struggle is Real

If you have toddlers in the house, you know nap time is a BIG deal! Today Karen is fielding questions from moms desperate for a little afternoon peace. Listen in for t...

336: Letting Your Husband Lead in His Own Way

Disagreement is inevitable in any relationship and marriage is no exception. When you’re parenting together, and your husband has his own way of doing things, disagree...

335: How Do I Handle My Toddler's Temper Tantrums?

There's a reason they're called the 'Terrible Twos' friends! Whether it's daycare drop-off, not wanting to share, or just not getting their way, it can take us by surp...

334: Juggling Kids' Sports & Activities

When you have elementary and middle school aged kids, the pressure and the busy schedule that come with pursuing athletics or the arts can really stress a mom out! Whe...

333: Looking at Life Through the Lens of a GREEN MOM

Megan and Leigh join us in the studio today to share how they see the world through the lens of a GREEN MOM. They'll talk about what makes motherhood easy for greens a...

332: Looking at Life Through the Lens of a BLUE MOM

Today Ashley and Anisa join us in the studio to share how they see the world through the lens of a BLUE MOM. They'll talk about how blues thrive in mom world and what ...

331: Looking at Life Through the Lens of a YELLOW MOM

Mandee and Erin join us in the studio today to share how they see the world through the lens of a YELLOW MOM. You know Karen is yellow, so this is one FUN conversation...

330: Looking at Life Through the Lens of a RED MOM

Today Katie and Kelly join us in the studio to share how they see life and parenting through the lens of being a "red". They'll talk about working life, home life, and...

329: The What, the How, and the Why of the Personality Colors

This episode kicks off 5 weeks of a new Personality Colors series! We're going to share what the colors are, where the concept comes from, how to find out your color, ...

328: When You and Your Spouse Disagree on Parenting Style

We all know focusing on a healthy marriage should be a priority while you raise kids, but sometimes your kids are the source of conflict in your marriage! Today Karen ...

327: Equipping Our Kids to Handle BIG Emotions

Have you ever been taken aback by the BIG feelings coming out of your child's small body? Today we're talking about angry outbursts, emotional meltdowns, sibling jealo...

326: How Do I Get Some Help Around The House?

Moms often feel like we work all day—either at an office or at home—and then we start a second shift in the evening: dinner, dishes, bathtime, etc. Sometimes it can fe...

325: Resetting Routines for a New School Year

August is basically another New Year for moms, right? New schools, new teachers, new schedules, everything starts over and we get a chance for a fresh start. Listen in...

324: What Do I Do About Mom Guilt? [RE-AIR]

The feelings of guilt are REAL in a mom’s world. Today Karen talks about how she's experienced mom guilt in the past and how she manages it in the present. She also of...

323: Teen Mental Health & Suicide Risk Factors with Debbie Causey [RE-AIR]

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among students today. As a society, we are clearly in crisis. As mothers, we are fighting on the front lines. Today, mental h...

322: Understanding Sensory Based Behavior with Occupational Therapist Christy Bennett [RE-AIR]

Mother and occupational therapist Christy Bennett joins Sunny and Karen today to dive into sensory based behavior. We discuss what sensory behaviors are, and how to pr...

321: Sex and Motherhood with Dr. Mike Sytsma [RE-AIR]

Dr. Mike Sytsma joins us to answer your questions about sex and motherhood. Dr. Mike is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Georgia, a Certified Sex Ther...

320: Tackling Fear in Motherhood

Fear in motherhood is a very real thing. It starts when they're young: are they hungry, are they hurting? And never stops, even when they are adults! Many of us are wo...

319: Pick Your Battles!

We've all heard the advice to "pick your battles" as a mom. But which battles are the right ones to pick? We asked you to send in the battles you're frustrated by in y...

318: Newborn Mom Isolation

There are all kinds of books and podcasts that aim to prepare you for childbirth or breastfeeding, but one thing that’s hard to prepare for is the isolation you’ll exp...

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