All Episodes

Displaying 181 - 210 of 443 in total

WT 257: Fighting For Control With Your Strong-Willed (RED) Child

Those strong-willed kiddos - phew! We know they'll be leaders one day, but what do we do TODAY when they won't listen or are constantly pushing back against us? How do...

WT 256: Navigating a Family Move

Both Karen and Sunny have moved A LOT in their lifetimes! In this episode, we’re answering questions about preparing your heart to move, staying in touch with friends ...

WT 255: Organizing Your Life, One Day at a Time

Today we are talking all things home management on Wire Talk. From splitting space in your home with a work-from-home spouse to organizing toys and rooms, we even talk...

WT 254: What Do I Do When They Want to Eat...Again?

How is it possible that we are always making food and yet our kids never seem to be full? Keeping our families fed is not for the faint of heart! Today Sunny and Karen...

WT 253: The Only Child Family

Recent census data has shown one-child families are the fastest growing family unit in the United States. But often times families with one child feel isolated by the ...

WT 252: When Potty Training Isn't Working

Any toddler moms out there at their wit’s end with potty training?! In our first-ever episode on this topic, Karen and Sunny are sharing encouragement and wisdom for a...

WT 251: Loving Your Rebellious Child Well

Let's be honest moms, all of our children can be rebellious at times. And when your child is walking through a season of rebellion, sometimes it's really hard to "feel...

WT 250: Loving Your Spouse Well

‘Happily ever after’ requires a LOT of work when you’re raising kids, and we could all use some encouragement in this arena from time to time. So today, Karen and Sunn...

BONUS EPISODE: Real Life / Real Moms with Claire Stanfill

SURPRISE! We wanted you to overhear a conversation between me and my good friend Claire Stanfill, which we recorded together last spring as episode 5 of our other podc...

WT 249: Mother & Missionary: An Interview with Betty Loudermilk

In the wake of World War II, a young college graduate decided to answer God's call on her heart to share the Gospel in Japan. Today, 90 year old Betty Loudermilk joins...

WT 248: Why Can't My Kids Play Nicely?

From team sports to bedroom boundaries, your questions in this episode concern the problems we face when our kids refuse to play nicely. Get ready for some practical t...

WT 247: Quality Time with Teenagers

Parenting teenagers means late nights, empty pantry shelves and more than a few tricky situations. Today Karen and Sunny answer your questions about getting quality ti...

WT 246: Building Character in our Daughters

From absorbing bad behavior from TV and social media to making good friends - on today's episode Karen is answering your questions about dealing with character issues ...

WT 245: A New Year's Pep Talk from Karen

It's the first full week of 2021 and we are more than ready. Today Karen and Sunny are chatting about how they do (and don't do) goal setting, if they have any resolut...

WT 244: Behind the Mic on Wire Talk

Wire Talk's producer, Katie @Leipprandt, joins Karen and Sunny in the studio for this episode to talk about all things Wire Talk. We discuss how the BOAW team decides ...

WT 243: He Is Worthy of Our Praise

Karen is reading from her Moments with God devotional again today, reminding us to set our minds and our hearts rightly on God. As we celebrate Christmas with our fami...

WT 242: Does Worrying Add A Single Hour To Your Life?

We know you're running hard toward Christmas this week and today's episode is intended to give you a minute of peace. Listen as Karen reads from her devotional and rem...

WT 241: Navigating Christmas as a Christian, Part 2

We’re talking all things Santa Claus on today’s episode! From how to handle the conversation when your kids ask if Santa is real, to making a decision to not start t...

WT 240: Navigating Christmas as a Christian, Part 1

As believers, how do we navigate the hustle and bustle of the holiday season while keeping our eyes focused on the reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place? In...

WT 239: Boundaries with Friends & Family

Navigating the differences between our needs and desires and those of our family and friends is tricky. On today's episode Karen answers questions about vacationing wi...

WT 238: Can You Help Me Handle Our Clashing Personality Colors?

Is there a recurring conflict in your home because your personality color is clashing with your child's? Tune in today to hear Karen's thoughts on the exhausting yello...

WT 237: Why Is Dinner Time The Worst?

From toddlers flinging food off high chair trays to siblings bickering during the blessing, dinner time is rife with opportunities for stress isn't it? Listen in as Ka...

WT 236: Managing the Needs of Multiple Children

No matter the number of kids under your roof, managing the needs of your children isn’t easy! On today’s show we are answering questions from moms who are struggling w...

WT 235: Building Your Own Family Traditions

This year the holidays might look a little different than years’ past. Managing all of the expectations (yours, your family’s, your in-laws…) can be overwhelming as a ...

WT 234: Talking To Your Kids About Race with Alexandra Bates

We are excited to release this much-anticipated conversation about race with friend of BOAW, Alexandra Bates. Last spring, when Alex discovered resources for talking t...

WT 233: Mental Health and Motherhood with Wendi Nunnery

Today’s conversation with author Wendi Nunnery drips with wisdom and grace as she shares her journey with mental health, the church, and motherhood. From growing up in...

WT 232: The Story of Soar

Have you heard about the Soar Conference for years but never been able to attend? Listen in as Karen shares the story of God putting a vision for Soar in her heart alm...

WT 231: Loving Your (Actual) Neighbor

God did not create us to live this life alone, He created us for community! And if nothing else, 2020 has taught us just how important community really is. On today's ...

WT 230: Moms and Military Life

Today Karen is answering questions from moms about military life. Whether it's a mom facing deployment, a child struggling with the frequent moves that are the norm in...

WT 229: Taking Care of Yourself During Crazy Seasons

2020 has been a crazy season in and of itself! How well are you taking care of yourself, momma? From big things like feeling lonely and isolated to little things like ...

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