Karen Stubbs

Karen Stubbs

Host of Wire Talk and Founder of Birds on a Wire Moms - a ministry to encourage and equip moms.

Appears in 442 Episodes

WT 138: Can You Help Me Navigate The Grandparents?

Just in time for the holidays! On today's episode we're answering your questions on how to handle those awkward, messy, and sometimes frustrating situations that occas...

WT 137: Teen Mental Health & Suicide Risk Factors with special guest Debbie Causey

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among students today. As a society we are clearly in crisis, and as mothers, we are fighting on the front line in this battle...

WT 136: Help! My "Blue" Kid Is Making Me Melancholy

Organized, thoughtful, loyal, precise. Our "blue" kids will grow up to be incredible leaders one day. The only problem is ... today may not be that day. Listen in as K...

WT 135: How Do I Teach My Kids Gratitude?

How many times have you coached your child to say, "thank you" during the younger years? While teaching a two year old to respond politely is one task, teaching a 14 y...

WT 134: Understanding Sensory Based Behavior with Occupational Therapist Christy Bennett

Mother and occupational therapist Christy Bennett joins Sunny and Karen in this episode to dive into sensory based behavior. We discuss what sensory behaviors are and ...

WT 133: What Do I Do About Mean Girls?

We may love to quote Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls, but no one thinks it's funny when you encounter a real-life mean girl. On Wire Talk today Sunny and Karen answer your...

WT 132: Gaining Understanding of Our 'Greens'

Peaceful, easy-going, conflict-avoiders ... however you describe them, to a parent who doesn't understand their motivations, 'green' kids can be a mystery. Today Karen...

WT 131: Intimacy After Babies with special guest Dr. Mike Sytsma

Today we have a much anticipated episode for you! With us in the Nest studio is Dr. Mike Sytsma. Dr. Mike has been a break-out speaker the past several years at our an...

WT 130: How Do I Create a Peaceful Home? [RE-AIR]

We often talk about bringing peace to the world, but what about bringing peace to your home? On the last of our month-long series of re-broadcast episodes today, Karen...

WT 129: How Do I Re-Connect with My Spouse After Kids? [RE-AIR]

When children enter the picture, your life changes forever. Your sleep habits change, your diet is changed, your schedule is changed and the amount of laundry you do d...

WT 128: How Do I Create A Balanced Life? [RE-AIR]

How do you keep a balance between kids, marriage, work, spirituality, and time for yourself? On today's re-broadcast of a Wire Talk favorite, Karen tackles a broad var...

WT 127: How Do I Overcome Mommy Guilt? [RE-AIR]

Moms, the feelings of guilt are REAL. We feel guilty being late to get our kids at daycare and guilty for not staying late at the office. Guilty for taking them to Chi...

WT 126: Can You Please Help Me Get Some Sleep?

If anything is a universal experience among mothers, it's sleep deprivation. Whether you're nursing through the night, have a toddler who climbs into your bed too earl...

WT 125: How Do I Handle My Sweet Little Liar?

Lying is one thing we never teach our kids how to do and yet somehow they figure it out all on their own. On today's episode Karen shares her thoughts on how to discip...

WT 124: Managing the Homefront

Whether you're a working mom or a stay at home mom, studies show that women tend to bear the brunt of the work in and around the home. On today's episode Karen and Sun...

WT 123: Back to School

Whether your kids have already headed back to school or the yellow bus will be rolling around the corner in the next few weeks - today's episode is for all moms with s...

WT 122: Finding Your Purpose with Candace Cameron Bure

We've got a fun one for you today moms! Candace Cameron Bure, actress, mom and as she often points out, first and foremost a follower of Jesus, joins us to talk about ...

WT 121: How Do I Parent My "Red" Strong-Willed Child?

Those strong-willed kiddos - phew! We know they'll be leaders one day, but what do we do TODAY when they won't listen or are constantly pushing back against us? In thi...

WT 120: When Multiple Personalities Collide

On today's show we talk about what happens when all of your darling children’s personalities collide. We talk about the fighting and bickering that is so common among ...

WT 119: How Do I Communicate Well With My Mom (Or My Mother-In-Law!) About My Kids?

Becoming a mom changes everything - but some of those changes catch us completely off guard. On today's episode Karen answers your questions about how to communicate w...

WT 118: I Want It All & I Want It Now

Today's episode is all about finding contentment mommas. Karen answers questions about comparison, entitlement and allowances in this episode about learning to be cont...

WT 117: Why Is Mom Life So Lonely?

We’re getting real about how lonely and isolating motherhood can be on Wire Talk today. Karen talks about her time as a young mom living away from family and friends w...

WT 116: Technology & Your Kids with special guest Tom Shefchunas

Today’s episode is really important moms and because we wanted to get it right, we called in an expert. Today Tom Shefchunas joins us in the Nest to talk about technol...

WT 115: Honoring Dad with special guest Greg Stubbs

In honor of Father’s Day next weekend (hint hint ladies) today on Wire Talk we're answering your questions all about dad! Since we're not dads ourselves, we thought it...

WT 114: How To Survive Summer

On today's episode of Wire Talk we are answering questions about how as moms we can make it through the dog days of summer. From how to make vacation actually feel lik...

WT 113: I Want To Do It All, But I'm Just SO Tired

On today's episode of Wire Talk, Sunny and Karen answer questions from moms who are feeling overwhelmed by all they have to manage day to day. From working to intimacy...

WT 112: Anxiety in Motherhood with Special Guest Dr. Emily Shupert

Today we are here with Dr. Emily Shupert of Simplify Life Counseling to talk about anxiety and how it affects us as mothers. Dr. Shupert is a licensed professional cou...

WT 111: Raising Older Girls

Today we're wrapping up a 4 part mini-series focused on raising boys and girls. In this last episode of the series we are taking questions from moms about their pre-te...

WT 110: Raising Little Girls

Today we're talking all about little girls. This is the 3rd episode in a mini-series focused on raising boys and girls. For the last two weeks we tackled tough questio...

WT 109: Raising Older Boys

Being a boy mom is not for the faint of heart! On today's episode Karen and Sunny answer questions from moms that will make you laugh and might even make you cry. We t...

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