Karen Stubbs

Karen Stubbs

Host of Wire Talk and Founder of Birds on a Wire Moms - a ministry to encourage and equip moms.

Appears in 442 Episodes

316: Transitioning to An Empty Nest

We spend decades trying to figure out how to parent them well, and then all of a sudden, they are grown ups and we are staring at an empty nest. Today we're talking ab...

315: Transitioning Your High Schooler into Adulthood

Just when you think you’re getting a handle on motherhood, your child moves into a new season of life and you’ve got to relearn everything! Today we're talking about h...

314: Transitioning Your Tween into Adolescence

Ahhhhh adolescence. Everyone’s favorite time of life. Today’s episode is about that transition from almost teen to full blown teenager. From pushing boundaries to pull...

313: Transitioning Your Toddler to More Independence

Today’s episode is about that season when your toddler is growing more independent. From using the bathroom, to getting dressed, this is the "I do it myself!" phase of...

312: How Do I Respectfully Deal With My Difficult Mother?

If you had a difficult relationship with your mom as a teenager, you may be shocked to find that the relationship gets even more complicated when you become a mom. On ...

311: Walking Through the Book of James: James 5

We are wrapping up our time in the book of James today by reading and talking through chapter 5. I pray that this month has made you more confident and comfortable in ...

310: Walking Through the Book of James: James 3-4

We are continuing our journey through the book of James this week. Today Karen is reading and teaching through chapters 3 and 4- focusing on the power of the tongue an...

309: Walking Through the Book of James: James 2

We're back in the book of James this week! Join us as Karen reads and teaches through the second chapter of this highly practical book and shares truths that apply to ...

308: Walking Through the Book of James: James 1

As Easter approaches, many of us feel like we should be getting into the Word and reading our Bibles, but if we're honest, a lot of times we don't know how to study th...

307: When Mom is the One Who Needs an Attitude Adjustment

At times we all need someone to tell us how to think about things differently, and that’s something Karen does really well. On today's show, we’ve gathered questions f...

306: Faith, Family, and Loss with Bryant and Kristin Young

All month long, we've been sharing conversations about the 'battles we don’t always see.' We’ve talked about raising a special needs child, anxiety, struggling with a ...

WT 305: Finding Peace in Chaos with Jenny Boyett

Today you’re going to hear from dear friend and long time BOAW mom, Jenny Boyett, as she joins Karen to share what it has been like to walk through a marriage that did...

WT 304: Anxiety in Moms with Dr. Chinwé Williams

We've talked about the anxiety epidemic our kids are facing these days, but there are a ton of moms battling chronic anxiety as well. Today, Dr. Chinwé Williams joins ...

WT 303: Raising a Special Needs Teenager with Cady Dugger

Cady Dugger joins us in the studio to talk about raising her daughter, Christine, who was born with a rare chromosomal disorder. All month long we want to pull back th...

WT 302: Hormonal Health with Dr. Sharon Marcanthony

Dr. Sharon Marcanthony joins Karen and Sunny today to talk about the changing hormones women experience throughout our lives. We’re asking Sharon your questions about ...

WT 301: Prioritizing Self Care

A lot of moms put their needs on the sideline when their children are young- but when those children get older, a mom can’t even recognize what her needs are anymore. ...

WT 300: Prioritizing Your Marriage (Over Your Kids!)

It’s natural that our kids try to “trump” their dad and become the priority in a mom’s world, but your husband came first! And like Karen always says, you want him to ...

WT 299: Getting Your Priorities Straight: Friendship

All month long we are talking about getting our priorities straight. Many of us try to do this going into the new year, but come February, we’ve already given up on ma...

WT 298: Limiting Negative Influences in Your Teen's Life

Parenting a teen in today’s world is not for the faint of heart! Join us today as we answer your questions about raising teenagers and dealing with tough topics like p...

WT 297: How Can I Help Foster My Teen's Faith?

One of our primary roles in our child's life is to point them toward God, but their relationship with God is just that, it's their relationship. Your child is not an e...

WT 296: Disciplining Your Teenager

Consistency is Karen’s key word for discipline and on today’s episode we are talking about what that looks like in the life of a teenager. From how to pick your battle...

WT 295: Dealing with Teenage Drama

We’re baaaaack! And we’re kicking off the New Year with a month of episodes focused on teenagers. Whether you’re the mom of multiple teens or you’re still in toddler w...

WT 294: Real Life, Real Moms sneak peek with Ann Mason

Today we’re giving you a peek into our Patreon podcast - Real Life, Real Moms!  Ann Mason and I have been friends for a while, and I've been so impressed by the God-ho...

WT 293: Preparing to Blend with author Ron Deal

Blended family expert Ron Deal joins Wire Talk today to answer questions from moms in our BOAW community and offer his unique perspective from decades of ministry with...

WT 292: BOAW Advice That Worked For Me!

We love how this show has enabled the Birds ministry to grow and impact families across the world. Today, Karen and Sunny share emails from listeners with BOAW advice ...

WT 291: Handling Disappointment at the Holidays

When expectations collide with reality, especially around the holidays, disappointment can be the inevitable result. Today Karen shares how the holidays will be differ...

WT 290: How To Give Dating Advice Your Teens Will Actually Listen To

Helping our teens navigate the world of dating can be tricky. In this episode, Karen offers fantastic, practical advice for keeping the lines of communication open and...

WT 289: Liar, Liar!

Lying wreaks havoc on family relationships, whether your child is a toddler or a tween. Today Karen shares her thoughts on disciplining a habitual liar and reminds us ...

WT 288: Good For Her, Not For Me

Moms make all kinds of magic happen for our families. And these days, it’s easy to look around and see the awesome ways other moms love on their families and feel like...

WT 287: Finding Consequences that WORK

Disciplining children is both a science and an art. What works at one age doesn’t work at a different age and just when you think you’ve got a handle on things, they t...

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