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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 32 in total

Wire Talk 004: What's the Best Way to Discipline My Kids?

Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs is a podcast designed to encourage and equip moms by answering your questions about motherhood, hopefully helping you maintain your faithfu...

WT 046: How Do I Raise Self-Disciplined Kids?

WireTalk with Karen Stubbs is a podcast designed to encourage and equip moms by answering your questions about motherhood, hopefully helping you maintain your faithful...

WT 102: How Do I Figure Out What Good Discipline Looks Like?

Wire Talk is a podcast designed to encourage and equip moms by answering your questions about motherhood, hopefully helping you maintain your faithfulness to God while...

WT 107: Handling Conflict With Our Husbands

Today's episode is all about spouses and how we handle conflict with them. No biggie right? We’ve got questions on everything from intimacy and discipline to finances....

WT 121: How Do I Parent My "Red" Strong-Willed Child?

Those strong-willed kiddos - phew! We know they'll be leaders one day, but what do we do TODAY when they won't listen or are constantly pushing back against us? In thi...

WT 125: How Do I Handle My Sweet Little Liar?

Lying is one thing we never teach our kids how to do and yet somehow they figure it out all on their own. On today's episode Karen shares her thoughts on how to discip...

WT 154: Discipline 1.0 - Laying the Foundation

What do you do when time outs just aren't cutting it anymore? Join Karen and Sunny today for the first discussion in a three part mini-series all about discipline. We ...

WT 155: Discipline 2.0 - The Middle Years

How do you discipline in the middle years when time outs aren't an effective option any more and your kids are rapidly closing in on adolescence? Tune in to hear Karen...

WT 156: Discipline 3.0 - Adolescence & Beyond

Today we're wrapping up our three part series by answering your questions on what discipline looks like as our kids move into adolescence. Karen explains the key princ...

WT 178: Finding Your Child's Currency

Discipline is a constant in our world as moms and it's made harder by the fact that what works for your family constantly changes depending on the child you're discipl...

WT 208: ADHD and Your Family with Dr. Staci Bolton, Part Two

We’re back this week with a continuation of this fantastic conversation about ADHD with Dr. Staci Bolton. Today Dr. Bolton answers your questions about treatment alter...

WT 215: [RE-AIR] Parenting Your Red Strong-Willed Child

All month long we're re-airing some of the most downloaded episodes from the Wire Talk vault!  On Wire Talk today Karen and Sunny take questions about your little futu...

WT 222: How Do I Discipline My Toddler's Defiance?

Disciplining a toddler is no joke. As moms, we want our discipline to work the first time and every time, but as Karen reminds us, toddlers take time. If you need some...

WT 258: Spiritual Disciplines for Moms: Studying God's Word

All month long we are diving into spiritual disciplines of the Christian faith. We’ll be talking about studying God’s Word, prayer, intentional community with other be...

WT 259: Spiritual Disciplines for Moms: Pray Continually

We're continuing this month's series on Spiritual Disciplines with a conversation about prayer today. Karen and Sunny address the tenderest questions from moms about h...

WT 260: Spiritual Disciplines for Moms: Community with Other Believers

Gathering together this past year has been a complicated component of spiritual life for many of us. On today’s episode Karen and Sunny answer questions from moms wear...

WT 261: Spiritual Disciplines for Mom Life: Practicing Sabbath

Sabbath first appears in the story of creation and again in the 10 commandments, but what does Sabbath actually look like in a mom's world? Today pastor Shireen Eldrid...

WT 265: Fostering a Great Relationship with Your Teenage Daughter

As your little girl turns the corner toward adulthood, your relationship dynamic will definitely start to change. Today Karen shares her thoughts on connecting with ol...

WT 268: Discontentment in Marriage [RE-AIR]

We all walk down the aisle with hearts full of hope, but a few years and a kid or two down the road, we often discover marriage is more work than we thought it would b...

WT 287: Finding Consequences that WORK

Disciplining children is both a science and an art. What works at one age doesn’t work at a different age and just when you think you’ve got a handle on things, they t...

WT 296: Disciplining Your Teenager

Consistency is Karen’s key word for discipline and on today’s episode we are talking about what that looks like in the life of a teenager. From how to pick your battle...

352: Know How To Discipline

Discipline might just be the most critical survival skill a mom can have! Whether you have toddlers or teens in the home, this episode gives practical steps you can ta...

358: Help! What Do I Do About My "Wild" Child?

Do you have a child who is full of energy and constantly testing your limits? Then pop in those earbuds! Today Karen is tackling listener questions about raising a 'wi...

365: How to Break the Habit of Yelling (and other discipline tips)

Are you tired of feeling like a broken record when it comes to disciplining your kids? Do you find yourself yelling way more often than you care to admit? On today's e...

373: Dealing With Out of Control Anger [RE-AIR]

Whether it’s you or your child struggling with angry outbursts, we’ve all been there. On today’s show, Karen and Sunny tackle questions from moms about aggressive beha...

376: Understanding Your Autistic Child with Dr. Kristen Hodges

Dr. Hodges joins us today to share wisdom that comes not only from her clinical background in psychology, but also from 3 years of raising her own autistic son. She en...

388: Raising Boys Right: Balancing Discipline and Love

Join us as we dive into the wild, wonderful world of parenting boys in today’s show. Karen shares her wisdom on re-integrating older sons who return from college and d...

409: How Do I Discipline My Strong-Willed “Red” Child

Our strong-willed children can drive parents up the wall with their forceful opinions! In today’s episode Karen gives advice for any mom locked in a battle with her “r...

414: God Does Not Give Us A Spirit of Fear

Fear and anxiety among moms today is rampant. In the emails we receive, the churches we visit, and with the moms Karen speaks to- fear is a big deal. Today Karen teach...

422: Knowing When to Lean In and When to Let It Go

In this episode, we're tackling one of the biggest challenges moms face: determining when to address a child's behavior and when to let things slide. Today Karen is an...

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